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- 2023년 최고의 프로젝트 -


장소: 서울 종로구 가회동 OO-OO, 110-240

기간: 2023. 01. 23 ~ 04. 23 | 시간: 8AM-10PM

sponsor guidance


-Shipping costs are included in the price of the product and will be progressed manufacturing within 7 days after the closing of the funding.
-We will ship the goods in a package within 15 days of arrival from manufactories.
- The process will be revealed transparently through the project community, Instagram, or YouTube.


Shipping Instructions

-Set 1 (badge purchase only) will be shipped by quasi-registered, and Set 2 and 3 (purchase including book bottles) will be shipped by registered mail.
- Quasi-registration usually takes 2~3 days excluding holidays.
- If the mail is lost, we will resend it up to 1 time.
- If you don't want to send mail due to concerns of loss, we will send it by parcel service if you pay extra. (2500 won for delivery)



*"Ask the Creator" or Instagram (@julayaaay) for inquiries, and we'll answer the questions as soon as possible.
* Head of the HCUtube club at Hyundai Chungun High School_Seonju Park(+82 01047319421)

- 2023년 최고의 프로젝트 -

장소: 서울 종로구 가회동 OO-OO, 110-240

기간: 2023. 01. 23 ~ 04. 23 | 시간: 8AM-10PM

- 2023년 최고의 프로젝트 -


장소: 서울 종로구 가회동 OO-OO, 110-240

기간: 2023. 01. 23 ~ 04. 23 | 시간: 8AM-10PM

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